
Publications Authored or Co-authored by Roger D. McConchie: 2005

  1. “Personal Information Protection: Ensuring Sensitive Private Information Is Not Carelessly Faxed By Your Client (Or Your Client’s Service Provider) To A Junkyard Operator in New Jersey” (April 2005), paper prepared for the Northwind Professional Institute conference in Vancouver, April 4 & 5, 2005: “Negotiating and Drafting Major Commercial Agreements and Transactions”
  2. Chapter on Canada in Media Law Resource Center 50-State Survey 2005-06, Media Privacy and Related Law, New York, N.Y, U.S.A. (co-authored with Brian MacLeod Rogers and Mark Bantey)
  3. Chapter on Canada in Media Law Resource Center 50-State Survey 2005-06, Media Libel Law, New York, N.Y., U.S.A. (co-authored with Brian MacLeod Rogers and Mark Bantey)
  4. “Reading about the Courts: How Parliament and Courts Censor the News” in Freedom to Read 2005, Current Censorship Issues in Canada, Volume 22, Book and Periodical Council, Toronto, Ontario.