Showing articles tagged with Wilkins-Fournier

Warman v. Wilkins-Fournier

Filed under Cyber Libel Updates in Anonymous Defendants
The Ontario Superior Court ordered that the defendants, owners and operators of an Internet website, produce relevant documentary information either identifying, or that could assist the plaintiff in identifying eight John Doe defendants in this case. Under the Ontario Rules of Civil Procedure, the defendants must provide an Affidavit of Documents which includes a list...

Warman v. Wilkins-Fournier

Filed under Cyber Libel Updates in Anonymous Defendants
The Ontario Superior Court of Justice, Divisional Court, set aside an order of a judge in chambers which directed the defendants to provide IP addresses for allegedly defamatory postings made by John Doe defendants as well as the e-mail addresses with which they registered as users of an Internet message board and any associated...

Warman v. Wilkins-Fournier

Filed under Cyber Libel Updates in Anonymous Defendants
[See also below the 2010 May 3 decision of the Divisional Court] The Ontario Superior Court of Justice ordered the Fournier defendants to disclose to the plaintiff all relevant documents relating to the true identities of two “John Doe” defendants, “conscience” and “HR-101,” including (i) email addresses and all personal information used and submitted...